An innovative name for your business will pave ways for your firm to be noticed, recognized and acknowledged. In the era where the world is brimming with tough competition, you need to give in to technicalities, methodology, and schemes. To rise above all, you have to use the secret tricks from the experts and use it innovatively.
You cannot afford to have a laid-back attitude while deciding a name. Do not just ask random companies to set up a name for you in exchange for some little cash. There is no short-cut to success. If you want to take help from experts, then find the company with the highest success rate, license, and permit and also read customer reviews.
What are the steps?
In this section, the most important and effective steps will be mentioned. Follow the methods for great results.
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Step 1
First, ask yourself if this business will continue to market the same product or service. Or, whether it stands a chance for a change? If you feel you are not very confident about the consistency, then assume there are chances of changes in the future. The reason is the name. If the goal of your business changes, the name needs to be changed too. In such situations, you will give a keep a general name rather than a specific. Hence, clear all doubts and choose a name accordingly.
Step 2
Use different names and prepare a list with synonymous words. For instance, let’s say you have a business for undergarments. In that case, you can pick up names such as Lingerie, underwear, etc. And, give an awesome twist and make it as creative as you can.
Step 3
This is an extremely important step. If you have to go to any popular search engine and find tools and applications for keyword analysis. Once you come across the tool, type in the specific keyword. A list will come up that will show you the relative terms that you may use. This is a great tool. But after you have selected a term, check if it is still available. They may have been taken by others.
Step 4
To make it more creative and peculiar, spin that term to see more variations. All such tools are available on Google. Remember catchy names must either be funny or funky and must be able to grab the limelight from the very start. You can even misspell the words intentionally for a change. For instance, instead of ‘are’ you can use ‘R.’
Golden rules for super branding
Creating a brand image and brand identity is one of the toughest jobs. Also, finding a name that works your years is no easy task. To make your tasks a smidge easier, you have this article for you. Seven golden ways can help you decide the best name for your business. Have a look at them.
- Keep it easy to recall
- Use easy-to-spell words
- Must reflect your business ideals
- Keep it cool and catchy
- Less than 3 syllables
- Provide your clients with a benefit
- Let them know your point of sale
So, next time when you sit for deciding a name, make sure you have checked with the above points.
Now, you have to understand one thing, deciding a name takes time. In the above section, you learned what to keep as name, in the following learn how to do so.
Invest time to work it out
It is not going to happen over a day. Fix up some number of hours and rack your brains to prepare a catchy business names list. Now, that you already know the golden rules you have to abide by them and find the name that matches all the criteria.
Schedule your work in blocks of 50 minutes for each deal. Take a break and then start again. Remember, you cannot afford to strain your brain constantly. That will not bring in desired results.
Prepare a list
Yes, do not stick for one name. After you have fixed up the list, select the top 3. Take in votes of the committee. You can even conduct mini-test to perceive how the names would work. For that, you can ask your friends or family members to read out the name. If the majority of them can easily do so, that’s a great sign. Maybe after 2-3 days, you can ask them if they recall the name. If they could quickly recall the name that hints that your name is creative yet easy to be remembered. However, if that works oppositely, you still have a list to go ahead.
Give it a week
After you have made up your mind regarding a specific name, keep it aside and proceed with other important aspects. In short, you have to give it at least a week before you go for the registration. After a week a lot of new decisions will be taken for your business. Hence, now come back and check it the name needs tweaking or it is good to go. You may or may not seem convinced. Whatever is the result, you will always have time to work that out. Remember rebranding should be your last option.
Final Words
If you have a name that is looks and sounds super good, you are just one step behind. There are many apps available in web browsers that will let you run some dummy advertisements with the name you have chosen. Also, to be on the safer side, run some of the ads with the names that were beneath the top name. This is to double-check that you have the right name that compliments the dummy ads.
It is only after your business is launched in the market; you will learn about its success rate. However, if you have followed this article from the start, success is secured for sure. All the best for your business ahead! Have a great time.